Thank you for visiting our fancentricsports.com website ("Site"). The Site is an Internet property of FanCentricSports Worldwide LLC ("FanCentricSports", "Company", "We" or "Us"). The TERMS AND CONDITIONS and PRIVACY POLICY contained herein were established to explain and define the rights and responsibilities of the Company, its Independent Brand Influencers (IBI’s), and its Customers.

Both Brand Influencers and Customers are classified as “Members”. These terms, conditions, policies, and procedures – as well as other applicable Company literature, operating rules, price schedules, and supplemental documents that may be published from time-to-time and are expressly incorporated herein – are a legally binding Agreement that govern your use of this Site and purchase of products and services from the Company.

Review the entire Agreement carefully. You agree to it in its entirety when you: (i) access or use the Site; (ii) purchase products, take delivery of samples, or order services offered by the Site and/or Company; (iii) submit an application to become a Member; and/or (iv) subscribe to our newsletter. If you do not agree to it in its entirety, you are not authorized to use the Site or purchase the Company’s products or services in any manner or form whatsoever.

If you are accessing this website from any other country with laws or regulations governing personal data collection, use, and disclosure that different from U.S. laws, be advised that through your use of this website – which is governed by U.S. law, our Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Use – you are transferring your personal information in the United States and you consent to that transfer.


FanCentricSports products are backed by our 30-day money-back Guarantee. So, if for any reason you are unhappy with a product, have used less than 50% of the purchased words or credits, you can request a refund. Terms apply; see details below. To ensure your refund is processed quickly, refer to the instructions in the Refund Policy below.

Also be advised that for any given product, a refund is only available one time; any subsequent purchases of that same product do not qualify for a refund.

Refunds are given based on the original purchase price.

Please note, some international orders may qualify for a time extension; contact Member Support for details.


Be advised that not all products, packs, and promotions are available in all markets. Different ones may be available in certain markets. Check the fancentricsports.com ordering page for a list of those currently available in your market.

At FanCentricSports Worldwide there is no cost to become a customer or a Brand Influencer. Brand Influencers are also given access to a business system and training materials should they choose to participate in the FanCentricSports business opportunity. There is no long-term commitment or timeframe in which a customer or Brand Influencer must purchase products. Members may

cancel their subscriptions at any time and for any reason; follow the instructions below. Be advised that cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance of when you want them to go into effect. Moreover, commissions can still be earned by Brand Influencers who do not personally purchase product as per the FanCentricSports Brand Influencer Compensation Plan provided on the Site.

In consideration for the subscriptions you subscribe to from FanCentricSports Worldwide, you agree to pay the sums listed at the time such sums are due and owing. All prices are listed in USD. If a member’s credit card is declined for the payment due, the transaction will not go through in our system. FanCentricSports Member Support will answer any of your billing questions or concerns within 24 hours. Please always contact them first with any issues you may have and be sure to reference the specific order number. Authorization for the Company to provide and bill for the services and products is obtained by way of your electronic signature, credit card authorization, or voice affirmation as sanctioned by the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act and the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Transactions Act.

Terms of the Rebilling

FanCentricSports Members have the option to control their subscriptions with their account. You may choose at any time to Cancel, Upgrade or Downgrade your current subscription and can do so from inside both the RUBI AI platform or the my flex.ai back office.

Accounts will be charged at a set time during each month, and the product will be updated. The scheduled dates for processing, account charges, and shipping or account changes are posted in the online Back Office and are subject to change by FanCentricSports Worldwide from time-to-time.

You are responsible for ensuring that the information you provide for your billing is valid and complete. It is your responsibly to ensure that your payment for your personal orders goes through. Payments will be verified prior to processing monthly subscriptions. If payment authorization is not obtained by the end of the month’s period, the order will be designated "unprocessed" and will not be included in Commission computation and processing. FanCentricSports Worldwide will not be held responsible for Volume shortfalls due to unprocessed orders.

Cancellation Policy

You can voluntarily terminate your account at any time and for any reason in your online back office or by contacting Member Support. Be advised that in order for an account termination to include your next subscription, it must be made at least 24 hours in advance of the order being processed. The termination is effective immediately, although be advised that processing of the termination request may be delayed until the following month if there is current Volume in the account.

Please be advised that if a Member is in breach of the Contract, he or she cannot voluntarily or unilaterally terminate their account until the longer of: (i) the last day of the renewal period of the Contract, or (ii) the last day of the period equal to the amount of time such Member had been in violation of the Contract prior to the Company’s discovery of the breach, but not to exceed one

(1) year. In such a case, the Company may elect any and all available remedies for breach of the Contract pursuant to Section 8, and the Member shall not be entitled to receive any Commissions during such period, as determined by the Company in its sole discretion. A Member may not voluntarily terminate if their account is not in good standing, as may be evidenced by, but not limited to, any of the following conditions: (i) a temporary account; (ii) an account is on hold, in suspension, or in probation; (iii) the account is under investigation, but no formal discipline has taken place; or (iv) notice of intent to terminate has been sent.

Upon termination of the account, all of the Member’s rights in and to the Subscription Program and the Affiliate Business are revoked and terminated. A Member who voluntarily terminates may re-apply for a new account under a new Sponsor no earlier than three (3) months from the date the Company receives notice of the termination. During this three (3) month period, the voluntarily terminated Member is not permitted to participate in any Member Business or have a beneficial interest in any Subscription Program.

If a Member voluntarily terminates or closes their FanCentricSports account, that account becomes the property of FanCentricSports Worldwide.

Fraud, Chargebacks, and Reversals

We may, in our discretion, require further authorization from purchasers, such as a telephone confirmation of an order and other information necessary for verification. We reserve the right to cancel, delay, or refuse any order if fraud is suspected. If fraud is suspected, we will immediately close the account and confiscate any funds left in the account and/or funds transferred to another account.

Be advised that we handle all chargebacks and reversals as potential cases of fraudulent use of our product offer and/or theft of product. We will immediately close the account and confiscate any funds left in the account and/or funds transferred to another account. In cases where we have provided a product and we have verified that a customer has received a product and/or refused or returned product(s), whether or not they have used the product in any way, possible actions taken by the Company may include filing a complaint with the Internet Crimes Bureau and/or reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities in your local jurisdiction to investigate theft of product and possible mail fraud (which is a Federal Crime). All cases of chargeback requests will be inspected by the Company.

If you choose to claim your online transaction was fraudulent, BE AWARE that all activity and IP address information is captured. This digital proof of whom and where the order was placed will be submitted to the proper authorities. This information may be used in a civil and/or criminal case against a customer if there is fraudulent use or theft of product(s).

We reserve the right, but undertake no obligation, to actively report and prosecute actual and suspected credit card fraud. We reserve the right to submit all records, with or without a subpoena, to all law enforcement agencies and to the credit card company for fraud investigation. We reserve the right to cooperate with authorities to prosecute offenders to the fullest extent of the law.


Accounts that exceed 180 days of inactivity (no orders) will have their eWallets flushed, and the account will undergo a full purge. When that happens, the account will be removed from any trees and organizations and cannot be restored. In addition, any personally sponsored members will be moved up to the account that directly referred you (i.e., your Sponsor).


At FanCentricSports Worldwide we value integrity and standby the quality of our products and/or compensation plan. As such we hold our company to high standards in this regard and expect all our Brand Influencers to maintain honest marketing and business practices as well. In order to protect our Members and ensure the long-term growth and success of FanCentricSports Worldwide, all FanCentricSports Brand Influencers (also known as affiliates, independent distributors, or independent brand influencers) are held to our Code of Ethics.

It is important that our Brand Influencers conduct themselves professionally and ethically. It is also important that they follow these policies to ensure full compliance with legal requirements and industry regulations.

FanCentricSports Worldwide may take action against any Brand Influencer it finds to have engaged in conduct deemed detrimental to FanCentricSports Worldwide or to other Brand Influencers. Any violation of any part of this Code of Ethics may result in – at FanCentricSports Corporate’s sole discretion – disciplinary and/or legal action taken against the members involved, including – depending on the severity of the violation – immediate and permanent suspension or termination from FanCentricSports Worldwide. Their FanCentricSports account and any funds in it may be confiscated and will become the property of FanCentricSports Worldwide. In addition, they will forfeit all contacts and future commissions and will not be eligible for any refund. FanCentricSports Worldwide also reserves the right to take legal action against anyone found violating any part of this policy.

As a FanCentricSports Brand Influencer, you understand, acknowledge, and agree to this Code of Ethics. When someone signs up, as well as every time that they place an order, they must click a box on the online form indicating that they have read, understand, and agree to FanCentricSports Worldwide’s Terms and Conditions, which includes the Brand Influencer Code of Ethics.

Brand Influencer Identification

FanCentricSports Brand Influencers are required to disclose that they are an “Independent Brand Influencer” on all marketing/advertising materials, presentations, social media posts, and conversations.

Use of the "FanCentricSports" and “BEPIC” company name is NOT permitted in Brand Influencer email addresses or third-party marketing websites.

Non-Corporate Materials

All marketing/advertising materials must be approved by FanCentricSports Corporate. If a FanCentricSports Brand Influencer wants to use any materials or branding assets for advertising or marketing our products or services and business opportunity that are not already approved by Corporate - including use of any company literature or logos that have not been made available via the corporate-provided websites and official communication platforms - it MUST be approved by Corporate beforehand.

3rd Party Retail Options

If a FanCentricSports Brand Influencer or Customer sells FanCentricSports Worldwide products via any 3rd party retail site or system, they are not permitted to sell any FanCentricSports Worldwide products individually or in any pack at a retail price that is lower than the customer retail price posted on official FanCentricSports Worldwide websites and Back Office.

Unsubstantiated Claims

FanCentricSports Brand Influencer are not to make any unproven and/or unsupported claims about any of our products and/or compensation plan in any way, including any type of presentation, any form of marketing/ advertising material, and/or any social media platform.

Mention of Other Companies and Products

FanCentricSports Brand Influencers are not to mention any other companies or their products – for example, #NotChatGPT or #BetterThanJasper – in any form of marketing or advertising including on social media and zoom-type calls.

Disparaging Remarks

FanCentricSports Brand Influencers are not to do anything that may cause any harm to FanCentricSports Worldwide. Nor are they to make any disparaging remarks about the FanCentricSports Worldwide company, opportunity, or products.

If you are a member of a different MLM, network marketing, referral-based, affiliate, or direct sales company and/or plan to join another one while affiliated with FanCentricSports Worldwide, we welcome you to fancentricsports and wish you the best luck at all of your ventures. However, it is highly advised that you carefully review the complete Terms and Conditions - including Brand Influencer Code of Ethics - of BOTH companies to be sure that you are not in violation of either company's contractual agreements whether signed or implied as you could face possible legal action. Our policy is to welcome you to FanCentricSports Worldwide and to use our products and services to grow all of your businesses.

Spam Marketing

FanCentricSports Worldwide maintains a ZERO tolerance policy towards the sending of spam or Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE). FanCentricSports neither condones nor tolerates the sending of

unsolicited or spam email by its Brand Influencers. You are solely responsible for email sent on your behalf.

It is illegal to forge FanCentricSports Worldwide information and headers in emails. It is illegal to neglect to include a valid unsubscribe link in any emails sent out.

All FanCentricSports Brand Influencers are required to download from their Back Office the list of email addresses that have generated a complaint and permanently remove them from their database. If FanCentricSports Worldwide receives a complaint from the same email address as a previous complaint from an email that was sent more than a week after the original complaint was filed, FanCentricSports Worldwide has the right to terminate that Brand Influencer’s account.

In addition, FanCentricSports Worldwide does not allow traffic from traffic exchange websites or other low-quality traffic sources. Any Brand Influencer who has what FanCentricSports Worldwide considers by its discretion an abnormally low conversion rate from hits to their landing pages may have their websites deactivated and/or their FanCentricSports account terminated.


Cross-line recruiting is strictly prohibited. During the term of this Agreement and a period of 6 months following termination, cancellation, or expiration of the Agreement, Brand Influencers may not directly or indirectly solicit an individual that has previously been sponsored or enrolled by another FanCentricSports Brand Influencer. Brand Influencers may not offer, entice, or attempt to influence other Brand Influencer’s or any Customer’s decision to leave another Brand Influencer’s organization (in which they are currently involved) and instead sign up with (sponsor) them. However, Members are permitted to change their Sponsor after their account has been closed for 6 months. In other words, they must give up their account, commissions, etc. for 6 months, then they can open a new account with a different Sponsor.


Cross-sponsoring is strictly prohibited. FanCentricSports Brand Influencers are not to enroll an individual or entity that already has a current Brand Influencer Agreement with FanCentricSports Worldwide or who has had an agreement within the preceding 6 months under a different Sponsor. The use of a spouse’s or relative’s name, trade names, DBAs, assumed names, corporations, partnerships, federal ID numbers (real or fictitious), or any other attempt to circumvent this policy is prohibited.

The ultimate decision regarding the placement of the organization is at the sole discretion of FanCentricSports Corporate, and there will be no adjustments to commission payout regardless of the decision made. FanCentricSports Brand Influencers waive all claims and causes of action against FanCentricSports Corporate arising from or relating to the disposition of the cross-sponsored Brand Influencer’s downline organization.

One Account Per Person

FanCentricSports Brand Influencers may operate or have ownership interest as a sole proprietorship, partner, shareholder, trustee, or beneficiary, in only one FanCentricSports Brand Influencer account/ position/business and only one Preferred Customer account. The use of real or fictitious trade names, DBAs, assumed names, corporations, partnerships, federal ID numbers, or any other attempt to circumvent this policy is prohibited. However, a spouse and family members over the age of 18 years of age are each allowed to have their own FanCentricSports Worldwide account/position/ business. If someone is found to be participating in or receiving benefits from more than one FanCentricSports Worldwide account/position/business simultaneously, their first FanCentricSports Worldwide account/position/business will be considered the valid one. Sale or Transfer of Account

FanCentricSports Brand Influencers may not sell, transfer, or reassign their FanCentricSports account/position/ business without FanCentricSports Corporate’s prior written approval. Any attempt to do so may be voided at the sole discretion of FanCentricSports Worldwide, and – among other possible actions – the account/position/business may be confiscated by FanCentricSports Worldwide.

Membership in Other Companies

FanCentricSports Brand Influencers may not use or disclose any confidential information, trade secrets, or goodwill of FanCentricSports Worldwide in connection with any other business, including the identity of other FanCentricSports Brand Influencers and Customers.

If you are a member of a different MLM, network marketing, referral-based, affiliate, or direct sales company and/or plan to join another one while affiliated with FanCentricSports Worldwide, it is highly advised that you carefully review the complete Terms and Conditions - including Brand Influencer Code of Ethics - of BOTH companies to be sure that you are not in violation of either company's contractual agreements whether signed or implied as you could face possible legal action. If any lawsuit, arbitration, or mediation is brought against you, FanCentricSports Worldwide will not pay any of your defense costs or legal fees, nor will FanCentricSports Worldwide indemnify you for any judgment, award, or settlement.


Any and all claims or representations as to income earnings on this Site are not to be considered as average earnings. Testimonials are not representative. There can be no assurance that any prior successes or past results as to income earnings can be used as an indication of your future success or results.

FanCentricSports Worldwide affiliates/independent distributors may participate in our pay plan program and earn commissions as outlined in the FanCentricSports Brand Influencer Compensation Plan provided on the Site. All affiliates/independent distributors understand before joining or purchasing any product that there are NO guaranteed earnings. Moreover, all income information on the Site and/or from the Company is provided only to explain how the pay plan works.

Affiliates/independent distributors should not participate in the FanCentricSports business opportunity under the expectation of earning income if they are not planning to refer others to the products and/or business opportunity. Although it is possible, neither the Company, nor its affiliates/ independent distributors, can guarantee you will make a profit simply by signing up as an affiliate/independent distributor. It is possible that you will NOT earn any income as an affiliate/ independent distributor of FanCentricSports.

Moreover, the Company cannot guarantee that affiliates/independent distributors will earn income by implementing the training materials provided. Such materials are provided for educational purposes only.

Brand Influencers are independent contractors and responsible for paying taxes pertaining to their FanCentricSports business.


Accuracy of Information

We have attempted to ensure that the information on the Site and other Company literature is complete and accurate; however, this information may contain typographical errors, pricing errors, and other errors or inaccuracies. We assume no responsibility for such errors and omissions, and reserve the right to: (i) revoke any offer stated on the Site or in Company literature; (ii) correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions; and (iii) make changes to prices, content, promotions, product descriptions or specifications, or other information on the Site or in Company literature.

Modification of Agreement

We may amend the Agreement from time to time in our sole discretion without specific notice. The latest Agreement will be posted on the Site, and you should review the Agreement prior to using the Site or Company services or products. By your continued use of the Site and/or continued receipt of Company services and products, you hereby agree to comply with, and be bound by, all of the terms and conditions contained within the Agreement effective at that time. Therefore, you should regularly check this page for update and/or changes.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Company, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, and each of their respective members, officers, directors, employees, agents, co-branders, content licensors and/or other partners, employees, and advertising partners from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, expenses, and costs, including reasonable attorney fees, whatsoever that any third party may make due to or arising out of content you submit, post to, or transmit through the service; your use of or connection to the service and products (including any activity related to your account, including negligent or wrongful conduct by you or any other person accessing the Site using your account or using Company services and products); your violations of the Agreement (whether alleged or otherwise); or your violation of any rights of

another, whether direct or indirect (including without limitation claims for misrepresentation or malpractice).

Disclaimer of Warranties



as a limitation thereof, the Company makes no warranty that the Site, the products and/or any other products and/or services offered on the Site and/or from the Company: (i) will meet your requirements; (ii) will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free or that defects will be corrected; (iii) will be free of viruses or other harmful components; (iv) will have security methods employed that will be sufficient against interference with your use of the website or against infringement; (v) will result in any specific outcome; and/or (vi) will be accurate or reliable. The Site, the products and/or any other products and/or services offered on the Site and/ or from the Company may contain bugs, errors, problems, or other limitations. The Company is not liable for the availability of the underlying internet connection associated with the website. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from the Company or otherwise through or from the Site shall create any warranty not expressly stated in the Agreement.

Disclaimer for Contents of Site

The website disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of the content of this website. Visitors assume all the risk of viewing, reading, using, or relying upon this information. Unless you have otherwise formed an express contract to the contrary with the website, you have no right to rely on any information contained herein as accurate. The website makes no such warranty.

Language Translation Disclaimer

Google Translate has been activated on this Site for the convenience of website visitors who do not read English. Google Translate is a literal translation that may or may not represent the accurate content of the webpage or attached materials. Be advised that Google Translate’s translation should not be considered exact and in some cases may include incorrect or even offensive language. Accordingly, the Company does not warrant the accuracy or reliability of any of its webpages and materials translated by Google Translate.

Disclaimer for Harm Caused to Your Computer or Software

The website assumes no responsibility for damage to computers or software of the visitor or any person the visitor subsequently communicates with from corrupting code or data that is inadvertently passed to the visitor's computer from interacting with this website or its contents.

Again, visitor views and interacts with this site, or banners or pop-ups or advertising displayed thereon, at his own risk. Moreover, visitor downloads information from this site at their own risk. Website makes no warranty that downloads are free of corrupting computer codes, including, but not limited to, viruses and worms.

Limitation of Liability


use or the inability to use the Site, the products, and/or any other products and/or services offered on the Site and/or from the Company; (ii) the cost of procurement of substitute goods and services resulting from any goods, data, information, content, and/or any other products purchased or obtained from or through the Site and/or from the Company; (iii) the failure to realize any specific result from use of the product; and (iv) any other matter relating to the website, the products, and/or any other products and/or services offered on the Site and/or from the Company. This limitation applies to all causes of action, in the aggregate including, but not limited to, breach of contract, breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability, misrepresentation, and any and all other torts. You hereby release the Company from any and all obligations, liabilities, and claims in excess of the limitations stated herein. If applicable law does not permit such limitation, the maximum liability of the Company to you under any and all circumstances will be the amount you paid for the products ordered and paid for on the Site and/or from the Company. No action, regardless of form, arising out of your use of the Site, the products, and/or any other products and/or services offered on the Site and/or from the Company may be brought by you more than one (1) year following the event which gave rise to the cause of action. The negation of damages set forth above is a fundamental element of the basis of the bargain between you and the Company. Access to the Site and/or the services and products would not be provided to you without such limitations. Some jurisdictions do not allow certain limitations on liability and in such jurisdictions company liability shall be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.

Proprietary Rights

All newsletters, logos, page headers, custom graphics, and icons are trademarks and/or service marks owned by FanCentricSports Worldwide. All other trademarks, product names, company names, and logos appearing on the Site are the property of their respective owners. The Site contains information, data, software, photographs, graphics, videos, text, images, typefaces, sounds, and other material (collectively "Content") that are protected by copyrights, trademarks, or other proprietary rights; and these rights are valid and protected in all forms, media, and technologies existing now or developed in the future. All Content is copyrighted as a collective work under the United States copyright laws, and the Company owns a copyright in the selection, coordination, arrangement, and enhancement of such Content. All rights to such Content are reserved to their respective copyright owners. Except as permitted by the fair use privilege under

United States copyright laws, you may not upload, post, reproduce, or distribute in any way the Content protected by copyright, or other proprietary right, without obtaining permission of the owner of the copyright or other proprietary right. Any other use of the Content available on our Site, including reproduction for purposes other than as noted above, modification, distribution, replication, commercial, or other use, without our prior written permission, is strictly prohibited.